Our Team
We have been making bags and accessories for over 12 years now. In the early years Stella was making custom orders mostly alone but since then the team has grown and occasionally a partner in Tartu helps us out too.

All our bags are marked with the names of the artisans who made it. Look inside it and meet the makers and other our team members here below.


Creative Director and Head Designer

Stella’s aim has always been to create a workspace where people love to work, where clients and friends love to visit again and again and where money isn’t made at the expense of the environment. She wants to prove that you can run a leather studio in a sustainable and innovative way. Her spectacular determination and tenacity has helped her grow her business from a studio of one to a successful company with almost dozen employees. She always finds a solution even to the most complicated problem and she has the remarkable ability to look at the world from different angles. Stella is not only a great boss and teacher but also a good friend.


Production manager and crafter

With EAA interior architecture background, Kadri has been slowly but surely making her way in the studio. She is now the most experienced crafter and also managing all of the production. Having very high standards for quality, she makes only extra beautiful and neatly crafted bags, getting all the compliments and praising feedback from our clients. She’s responsible and reliable – we can always lean on her. Kadri is systematic and determined, always finishing everything she starts. All knots and problems, both mental and physical ones, will be unraveled and solved with her help! Kadri effortlessly puts together puzzles with thousand pieces.



Henna became a member of our team through internship. Dedication and thirst for knowledge have made her an irreplaceable crafter who can be trusted also with more complicated tasks. Her preceding experience in sales has helped us closer to our nordic neighbours. Henna has brought balance to the studio – her healthy mindset and finnish calmness are good antidote to the daily turbulent pace.



When Maarja sets her mind on something, she devotes all her attention and care to it. She’s tackling ever more complicated leather projects at the studio with utmost attention to detail. Her demanding and precise eye casts over all the products we make at the studio. Maarja also makes sure that all leather scraps are sorted and reused as quickly as possible which allows us to create a lot less waste than other leather studios. She also has a degree in scenography and could design the stage for our future studio band. When Maarja makes the lunch for all, everyone in the studio can’t wait to see which classic dishes she’s made this time.


Digital Marketing Manager and Sales Specialist

In the studio, no one has seen Lisandra rushing, hurrying, or acting thoughtlessly – she is the epitome of how to act systematically and with pleasure. Lisandra's background is in accessory design, she did her Master's degree at the Estonian Academy of Arts, but she also holds a degree in digital marketing. Through this, she has found a niche for herself in empowering otherwise manual and practical fields. In the studio, her role is to share the studio's principles, news, and behind-the-scenes glimpses with our friends on social media and online platforms.


In addition to our studio crafters a small family owned manufacturer in Tartu (located also in Estonia) helps us out occasionally. They have a long experience with leather work. We are in frequent contact and the bags that are made there follow the same technical specifications, quality and care as is our studio. Cooperation with them enables us to move faster towards our zero-waste goal and to prove that sustainable leather accessories manufacturing is also possible in a classical production.
Former crafters